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Holy Island, Anglesey / Ynys Môn

A family trip to Ynys Môn in North Wales. I had a lot of free time to do many recordings around HolyHead, as it is mainly a holiday home town, I was worried about noise from all the hustle, but I must have arrived at a decent time of year as it was relatively quiet (except for the occasional fighter jet). I was surrounded by the coast so I did many ocean recordings, but also caught some bees and birds. For me, this trip was a test run for my equipment and to see how well it handled. During this trip, I created the coathanger technique with my Soundman Binaural microphones.

Birds, Bees, Coathangers and Example Sounds

Below you will find comparative examples of the same recordings, one binaural and one stereo. 

On this side are the other sounds I took from this trip. There was this berry bush in the garden that had numerous bees flying about, a coastal bird that followed me, and a single take of the many fighter jets I heard. 

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